My Final Script

 Today I’m making a final script . I used the storyboard from the last post to help me. It helped me by letting me know the action block as well as the slugline. I had a great time making this, it was a fun story that I made up. The story is about a kid named Colton that has to surpass the Ravages to sell his phone for one million dollars. My final script is below.


COLTON and JESSICA talk while they drive to a fancy restaurant.



Why are we going here again?


To discuss something important, do you have your phone?


Yes. (Eyebrows furrow)



JESSICA and COLTON walk into the restaurant. COLTON is confused what the important information is.



Again, what is the important information?


Wait till we get there, also, take a chill pill.


Jeez, sorry.

  1. INT. Restaurant. Evening

  JESSICA only let’s COLTON order a drink because she knows that there won’t be enough time to eat dinner.


What would you like to order this fine evening.


I would like an order of your house special spage-


We’re not going to eat actually dinner here, you won’t have time. Only order a drink.


Alright, just a root beer please.


Ok, and you


Just a water please


I’ll go get those now


   Once the waiter hands out the drinks, JESSICA breaks the news to COLTON.




Let’s wait for the drinks.



(Two minutes pass)


Here’s your drinks.




Ok, so, you have your phone.




I know. Ok that phone has a few applications that equal up to one million dollars.


WHAT!Why didn’t you tell me earlier!?


I don’t know, this is more dramatic though.


Oh gosh, I better get going!


No, wait! There are people that want your phone. There are called ravages, the are vicious. You have to go to Jimmy’s house to get the money. There will be a women there waitin there for you.


I got that, now can I go?


Yes! Hurry!


    COLTON sprints the hardest he ever has to get to Jimmy’s house.



Whew! I gotta keep goin!(gasping)



    Colton finds the leader ravage and is able to surpass him.



Finally! You came. (evil laughs)


Oh well, you’re going to have to catch me.


Oh I will, humph.


(Sprints straight at LR and jukes him out by spinning around him, LR then falls on but embarrassed)


AHH! You almost broke my ankles!


Sucka! See you later!( taunts LR and then sprints away)



   COLTON finds the women and gets the money.



(Knocks on door)


Oh hello! It seems that you got past the Ravages. That’s great!


I did, if I’m correct you will give me one million dollars for my phone?


Yup, can I see your phone before the purchase.


Sure. (Hands phone to PC)


(Inspects phone) Just good enough conditions for the money. Doesn’t seem like there are any cracks or scratches.




Here’s the briefcase. (Hands briefcase to COLTON)


(Gets briefcase then inspects it) Perfect! Thank you so much.


No, thank you.


   COLTON throws money up in happiness and celebrates.



YAY! I JUST WON 1 MILLION DOLLARS! (Throws money in the air)




For this post, I am storyboarding. Normally you do this to setup movies. But, I decided to do this to help me visualize my script. Which will be my next blog post. This storyboard helps me because I now my slugline, dialogue, and action blocks will be better in my script. I really liked creating my storyboard and it will be used to make my script even better.


Final Story

For this project I created a short story. For my short story, I made a story about suspense. The difference between my scene and this is that this piece of writing has more suspense. That’s at least one thing I aimed for in this story. At the roundtable, I got a lot of good feedback. A lot of people said I should import more “show don’t tell” in my writing. Mrs. Tremonte also told me told limit the word “I” at the beginning of my sentences. So I aimed to limiting it. Overall the roundtable helped me a lot. I found a lot of “weak points” in my story that I was able to fix. The two main things in worked on when I was revising my story was “show don’t tell” and limiting the word “I”. In this story I wanted to build lots of suspense. I hope you enjoy the short story below.

Developing Characters

Writing is everywhere. Especially in stories. When you’re writing stories you want to have good characters. That’s why I filled out a questionnaire for my three main characters. I did this so I could develop my characters. It will shape the character even if they won’t use the detail in the story. It was very fun making this because I was able to brainstorm with other people near me. In this task, I was asked to fill out a character questionnaire, I did it for three characters. It will be down below. Note: to differentiate the characters question answers, there will be multiple spaces in between the words.


Name: Colton   Ben   Harrison

Age: 35    29    11

Height: 5’ 10”    6’ 2”    5’ 2”

Eye color: Black    Green     Blue

Physical Appearance: Small, Skinny    Tall, Fat     String Bean

Unique physical attributes: No front teeth     Adams Apple      Ginger

Hobbies: Stealing     Robbing     Sports

Where does he live: Car      Car       Suburbs, Safe neighborhood

Special skills: Coding  Breaking windows  Running

Family: None  Adopted  Mom, Dad, Sister, all nice

Description of house: Messy, bottles everywhere     3 stories, always clean

Favorite songs/band: Rock  Hard Russian Rap  Katy Perry

Favorite movie: Pacific Rim  Mad Max    Grown Up 2

Favorite TV show: SpongeBob     Deadliest Catch     SpongeBob

Favorite books: None     None      Harry Potter

Favorite food: PB&J     Big Mac     Steak

Favorite sport: Hockey    Hockey     Basketball

Political views: Trump   Trump    None

Any philosophies on life?  None

Religion: Muslim     Jewish   Christian

Physical health: Scrubby       Obese         Skinny

Pet peeves: Police      Police           Getting disturbed when alone


6 Second Stories

For this project, my teacher will show us vines. The vines will be writing prompts. So I will be writing about them. The vines will be embedded at the end of my short story so you can see my inspiration. In this project, I focused on making the reader feel like they were in the story or have feeling in the list. This was a fun project and I encourage you to comment.


This is a guy, he has witnessed the aftermath of a deadly event. The Dust Bowl. During the dust bowl, everyone was poor. People could barely get food daily. It was a disaster. But, then a massive dust storm came. It was devastating. Nobody could see more than five feet in front of them. The dust lowered everyone’s hygiene.  Everything was horrible. After the Dust Bowl, World War 4 started. Then things prospered and came out of this deadly time.

Here is the Vine:

10 free things I am thankful for.

  1. learning in schools.
  2. Playing at parks.
  3. Having friends.
  4. My Moms love
  5. My Dads love
  6. My friends jokes.
  7. A fully functional body.
  8. Writing in any form.
  9. Me having a good sense of humor.
  10. My sisters incessant love.

Here is the Vine:


Green Flash

” There it is honey’ Mom says. I look up. My jaw hits the ground, and my eyes widen.

” Its beautiful” ,as I gape at the wonder that is going on. It is a Green Flash. This only happens every 4 years. Its amazing. The green slowly creeps up on the horizon. Then it travels into the sky. Some of the light drips down, making it an amazing view. It slowly sets on the other side of where it started. Once the Light turns off at the other side. I hope to see it come again, but it won’t, for the next 4 years.

Here is the Vine:

Short Story Preperations


For this project, I am going to share my plot diagram and my story arc. The story I will be writing about is an extended version of the scene. The scene I wrote was when I come home and someone tries to rob me. So, I will be sharing my plot diagram and my story arc.

When I was thinking of this story, I liked my scene. So, I thought ” Why don’t I create a longer version of my scene?” I wasn’t here on Friday to share stories. So, that’s how I thought of this. I also got a lot of feedback to make my story better, so I think that my story will evolve.

Story Arc


Plot Diagram


Short Stories!

In this project, I was asked to write a scene in a story. What that means is, you only write about a small part of the story. Therefor, its a scene. In the scene, the teacher wanted us to focus on us dropping the reader into the story. She also wanted us to show, and not tell. I wrote about a kid coming home from school, he starts working on his assignment. Then, the kid starts hearing noises. He gets very nervous, until he sees something that changes his perspective. While I was writing this I tried to focus on suspense in the story. I also focused on the ending by trying to leave a cliffhanger. Here is my story.

            I faintly hear a tap coming from downstairs. The tap interrupted the silent sound of a keyboard clicking. I fluster and slip of my chair.

“Huh what was that?” I question myself. I trudge back to my seat and keep writing. Shaking it off the quick second of hurt. For five minutes I’m able to concentrate, but then I hear another faint tap. This one’s coming from my bedroom. My eyebrows furrow, I get up and gulp down a glass of water. Maybe I’m hallucinating, hopefully that helps.

“I’ve got to finish this, it’s due tomorrow” I tell myself. I get back to my stressful writing project. I click away for the next 10 minutes. Another tap occurs.

“What is that” I exclaim. “It’s coming from the front door” I say. I think I’m paranoid. Hastily, I get up and trudge over to the kitchen.

“Maybe I need an apple” I question as I grasp a nice round honey crisp apple. After all, I didn’t have my after school snack. I take a few bites out of it.

“Ooh juicy” I appraise. I come back to my seat and start back to typing my essay. Another seven minutes go by.

“Hey Johnny, come over here!” some voice says from outside. Now I’m scared, I fold my laptop up and bolt upstairs. When I get upstairs I look out my window. I see a dirty old Toyota pickup truck. I dash around to my parents’ bedroom and look out their window. I see one guy. He looks middle aged, with an unshaven beard. He is tall and fat, and is wearing ripped jeans and a tatty sweatshirt. But, then my jaw drops, he is holding a hammer and a crowbar! I now hustle to my sister’s room. I see the other guy. He is smaller and skinnier. He also has ratty jeans, a ripped sweatshirt, and a unshaven beard. He is holding a nail and a hammer. Now I’m even more terrified. I call my mom immediately.

“Mom, there are two burglars outside my house, one has a crowbar and a hammer, and the other one has a nail and a hammer.” I say on the phone

“Where are they?” she replies

“Ones in the back and ones outside my sister’s window” I say

“Ok, then go downstairs, open the garage door and sprint over to the neighbor’s house. I’ll call 911.” she answers

“Ok, but where are you and Grace, will you be home shortly?” I question

“I will come home as quick as I can and pick up Grace, but unfortunately I am not close, remember I work in Seattle.”

“Alright” I say as I end the call. Tink tink tink, I hear coming from the backyard. I shoot down the stairs. CRASH! The burglars shatter the window downstairs.. I get into the garage and punch the button that opens the garage. My heart is beating out of my chest. No time for shoes. I dash out of the garage, as I sprint across the driveway the rocks puncture my feet. Out of an earshot I hear “Hey what was that.” I hide in a tree across the street in my neighbor’s yard. I crouch down to avoid getting seen.

“Wait, was there someone here” I think I hear one of them say.

“Of course you idiot” The other one says.

“Should we go find the person?” One of them says. I can’t hear the rest because he closes the garage door. Then I hear a police siren. It’s getting closer. While I’m waiting I hear lots of crashing and thumping. I’m still extremely scared. My stomach is in knots and my mouth is dry. Now the police sirens are closer. Everything is so overwhelming right now. Then the police rush in. There is a squad of three cars. I don’t come out yet. The policemen get out of their car and swarm my house. Then I hear a lot of crashing and thumping. I’ve never witnessed anything like what is happening right now. Then I hear a lot of yelling. After, all the policemen go into the backyard.

Script Writing and Collaborating with Elementary Schoolers


Today I will be writing about my experience writing our groups script and collaborating with the elementary schoolers. In this project our Creative Writing class is collaborating with the video production class, iLynx. We will have two adults in a scenario and they will try to solve the problem that is present. The twist is that we will have elementary schoolers switch their voices with the adults and the adults will be thinking like kids when they are trying to solve the problem. It should be funny because adults will act and talk like kids.

Script Writing

Once we got our script template we got straight to work. We first made the dialogue that we thought would fit into our story. This was the harder part of the project because we had to think of dialogue for the whole story. We did this because it would help us summarize what the dialogue was about, so we would know what to ask the elementary schoolers. When we finished we added scene titles and descriptions to organize the dialogue. After, we turned the dialogue into dialogue summaries that we were going to question the elementary schoolers for their input. We could now get their input about how the dialogue would pan out.  Here is the script.

Talking To First Graders.

Once the Skype call started I could immediately tell that there were some kids in the group that were shy, but there were also kids that were very eager to talk. At first our group introduced ourselves nicely, and then they introduced themselves. We then talked about the setting, the plot, the characters, etc. Once we got all of that out of the way we got to the good part. We started getting their input about the dialogue. We got a lot of good info, but we didn’t get as much as we needed. They were very helpful and I had a great time talking to them. I also believe that they had a good time as well.


Ideas for Video Project


For this project I’m going to share three ideas that the video projection group will make a movie about. In these movies there will be two characters and their voices will be kid’s voices. So there will be adults that will have kids speaking for them. The way I thought of these idea was I made a ton of different characters, settings, themes, and problems. Then I chose one of my ideas in each category and made a story out of it. Then our group came together and shared our ideas. That’s how we got our ideas. 

First idea

There will be a parent and a kid sitting at the dinner table. The kid is seven years old and he has a very mature voice, he is very mature, and cautionary. However the parent that is forty years old has a kids voice and is careless and immature. The parent will start playing with her food, so the kid tries to stop the parent from playing with her food. That is what the problem is and the solution will be that the kid does end up stopping the parent from playing with her food. The theme of this idea will be immaturity.Capture1

Second idea

 The setting will be at a cubical. The boss is older and more sophisticated and the worker is a middle aged dumb and clueless man. People, the worker and the boss will have kid’s voices. The boss will make it very easy to tell why the worker is fired but the worker will not understand. The boss will get angry and the worker will end up getting fired. The theme of this idea is tolerance.Capture

Third idea

The setting will be in a car. There will be a married couple in the car. The dad is thirty six years old and the mom is thirty five. For this idea the couple has gotten lost on their road trip and their trying to find their way back to their hotel. The couple will argue for a while, but finally they will make their way back to their hotel. Then they will forgive each other and remember not to argue in the future. The theme of this idea is frustration.


Inventing a Sport: MooBall

This is my first post on this blog, this post is about making a game that has to include four of these items, duct tape, two tennis rackets, a wiffle ball, a stack of cups, a bag of balloons, and a spool of string. The name of my sport is MooBall. The items you will use in the game are a tennis racket, a wiffle ball, a stack of cups, and a bag of balloons.You play it outside on a baseball field. Each team has nine players. The positions are whatever the coach believes are the best positions to get the hitters out. There are two sides, defense and offense.                                          Offense: First the pitcher throws the wiffle ball at the hitter. The hitter has to evade the wiffle ball and hit it with their tennis racket. If the pitcher hits the hitter or the hitter misses the wiffle ball, the hitter gets a strike. The hitter gets two strikes before he is out, if he is out than he has to go back into the dugout and he comes back out when he has to play defense. Everybody will hit on the team and then sit. Its a one and done thing. When you get a hit you have to knock over the cup that is on each base. If, by chance you are going to home base where you started, you have to blow up a balloon and that will mean you scored a point.                                                                                              Defense: On defense the pitcher will throw the ball at the hitter. If the hitter hits the ball all the other players on his team have to get the ball and hit the hitter with the wiffle ball. You can do this by throwing the ball at the hitter or tagging the hitter with the ball. When the defense goes through everybody on the other team out, it is their turn to hit. Each team gets one turn to hit and the team with the most scores wins. This games is not supposed to be competitive rather than just playful.
